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Who we are...

"Our focus is state-of-the-art Post-Production, VFx, 3D Animation, Motion Graphics, Special Effects, Sound and Projection Mapping."

                                                                      -Andrés "Pipes" Escobar

                                                                                 (Co-Owner & VFx Director)

In 2018, radio and television personality Lia Escobar took her show elFlow and formed a more structured concept of combined talents to launch elFlowMedia™ Company. She expanded this venture from Radio and Television to Post-Production of Film with VFx, 3D Animation, Motion Graphics, and Sound Effects. They also offer Projection-Mapping, Event Production, Marketing, and Consulting Services. 


"We are the go-to media company when searching for state-of-the-art post-production and marketing needs. We have it all, from post-production, scalable live visuals, sound effects, and voiceovers, to strategies for marketing and social platform campaigns," said Andrés "Pipes" Escobar, who made sure to emphasize that their focus is on the latest post-production, VFx, 3D Animation, and Projection Mapping. He aims to become a staple in the entertainment industry.


"We're working very hard to be the best in diverse options for sight and sound while continuing to embrace the core of what elFlow stands for. We still believe everyone should use their God-given talents with greater purpose or to serve others better while making a living in their element, their "flow" or field they're passionate about," said Escobar, "I think I speak for us both when I say our team is made up of young, outside-the-box thinkers who can't see themselves doing anything else."


Today, elFlowMedia™ Company is a trusted leading multi-service media provider and a cutting-edge producer of diverse and multicultural audio and video content."Andrés' unconditional belief in me over the years and his unwavering support and insight into our new company took a small idea that began in 2011 to a whole new level," Lia Escobar added


Their ultimate vision is being realized at The Peach Art Collective, where they have an all-inclusive media complex that fully supports a creative idea from its inception to monetization. They want to build an easily accessible production house that will have, among other things, a fully-equipped Recording Studio, Post-Production Suites, Podcast and Influencer Taping Rooms, Production Facilities, as well as a Community Theatre and Art Gallery to promote artists and their products. "We won't give up until we have a one-stop creative hub," said Felipe as he signaled his partner to continue, "I know it seems farfetched, but I wholeheartedly believe that with Andres, we can make that happen." she concluded, "I'm very proud to call him my partner, but I pride myself, even more, to call him my best friend." 


Lia and Andrés came together to reshape a concept and find THEIR Flow.



Founder & Chief Creative Officer

Photo Credit: Rob Lo​

Co-Owner & VFx Director

So tell us...

What's YOUR Flow?
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